Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dolphins Incognito releases texts sent by Jonathan Martin, Bullygate continues....

Miami Dolphins offensive lineman Richie Incognito is not going out without a fight.
Dolphins guard Jonathan Martin recently conducted a one-on-one interview with Tony Dungy for the "Today Show," and believed the verbal attacks from Incognito were racial and personal. Those attacks led to Martin waling away from his team during the 2013 season.
However, Incognitio has always maintained both men were friends, and said they joked around with each other. Incognitio hired high-profile public relations firm Sitrick & Co. to publicly fight allegations he "bullied" Martin, and the first phase began on Thursday.
Mark Schamel of the law firm of Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, told Fox News, "The coarse and unacceptable comments and text messages that were sent to Jonathan Martin were of the same poor taste as those sent by him. All of these communications were provided to Ted Wells and the NFL investigation. What they show is banter between friends, not bullying."
In addition, Schamel proceeded to share portions of conversations Martin allegedly sent Incognito to prove his client’s stance (we were not comfortable printing some of the profanity, but feel free to read the unedited quotes on Fox News).
"Jonathan Martin sent text messages to Richie Incognito which included threats to send someone over to Richie Incognito's home with a 'tranquilizer gun and sandpaper condoms to (deleted words) him," Schamel told Fox News. "Jonathan Martin sent another that said he would 'kill (Richies’s) whole family.' There was another where Jonathan Martin indicated he would (deleted word) in Richie’s face."
However, Martin’s spokeswoman, Ann Marchant, told Fox News that NFL investigators have, “the entire series of texts and it's more accurate to look at all of them.” Marchant said Martin’s responses to Incognito was “to be a friend to Richie and to fit in” with the team.
She added that Incognito sent emails yet to be made public where Incognito "talks about (deleted words) (Martin's) mother and sister. They are very vile."
Incognito and Martin want to play in the NFL next season, so expect more dirt to be dished from both sides. The NFL is expected to release its investigation results after the Super Bowl. Expect both men to continue pointing fingers throughout the offseason.
Martin has been the primary accuser, but Incognito is fighting back.

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